Welcome to Watford Green Party

Our Green Party candidate for the General Election is Arran Bowen-la Grange.

“Watford has never had a homegrown MP, and I’d like to change that. At heart, I’m just a very ordinary bloke – I have no connection to the political establishment, and I’ve never craved any sort of power. I just want to improve the lives of the people of my town.

If I were elected, the residents of Watford wouldn’t just be my constituents – they’d be my family, my friends, the classmates I had at school, and their families too. If I was doing the job badly, my own mum would be the first person banging down my door. It’s an extra, wonderful bit of pressure that I think I’d revel in.

I represent a party that wants something that is long overdue – fairness. We’ve lived through wave after wave of ‘unprecedented’ times – austerity, the pandemic, Brexit – and at each turn it feels as though the government has taken something from us. The Green Party is determined to give back to the people, to rebuild the very fabric of British society by restoring our schools, hospitals and housing to the standards we once knew.

We’re asking the very wealthiest to help us achieve this – not just because they can afford to do so, but also because at this point may well be the only ones who can afford to do so. I’d be honoured to become the MP of my incredible hometown, and would treat the job – and more importantly the people – with the respect they deserve. Thank you!”

Follow @Arran4Watford24

Help get Greens elected in Watford

Give Watford a chance to vote Green in the general election on 4 July 2024. Donate to Arran’s campaign fund today.

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